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Writer's pictureVincent Holloway

Do I Need An Estate Plan?

The answer to this question depends upon your specific situation and desires for the distribution of your estate at death. You may not need an estate plan if you are single, never married, have no children, own no property, have no debts, and will not die. Otherwise, you probably need an estate plan.

Most people have acquired property during their lifetime and want to determine the

distribution of that property upon their death. A well-designed estate plan will ensure that the right property goes to the right person at the right time upon your death.

Every estate plan is unique and requires a detailed understanding of your family situation, your assets and liabilities, and your wishes regarding the distribution of your estate. In most cases, your wishes can be achieved through an estate plan consisting of the right combination of wills, trusts, powers of attorney, insurance policies, and other arrangements.

Depending on your situation, your estate plan could be fairly simple or relatively complex. For this reason, you should consult with an attorney before deciding whether and how to execute an estate plan.

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